Member-only story
Do You Believe Everything Happens For A Reason?
Why or Why Not?
***Quora Question***
For every action there is a reaction right? But what about things that are just unexplainable? A baby dying after being born, a toddler passing away from cancer, a fire, car accident. Thinking about it, its not usually the what we have such a hard time accepting. Its the why. Especially when we can’t justify it in our minds. Reasons can also be moments of reflections so that you won’t spend your life recycling a lot of the same trauma.
Your girlfriend cheats on you and when you ask why, she say’s she doesn’t know. The person you are so in love with breaks your heart with no explanation?! That would drive anyone mad right? But there is always a reason why and when the truth hurts it makes it harder to accept.
I used to be upset with my mother for passing away when I was seven. She was an alcoholic and her drink of choice was Bacardi 151. Her dying of Cirrhosis of the Liver is the what. My older brother developing Leukemia and dying the year before I was born was her why. Her leaving 5 other kids mother and fatherless is why its hard to accept. It was her grief and heartbreak that lead her on the path to becoming broken. Part of the lesson was learning not to drown our sorrows in a bottle.